Friday 12 April 2013

Windows XP paint and Windows 7 paint.

I`m I the only one who thinks that Microsoft should have kept old Paint program in newer windows versions?

So if you want to get old paint back:
1. Go to:
2. Download it.
3. Installer will create another installer to continue installation (shortcut on desktop).
4. Find it and run it.
5. Now be careful, read everything you are accepting with, decline offers that possible to, otherwise you will install loads of toolbars, programs that you don`t need and other shit.
6. After installation 2 icons should appear on your desktop ( if you haven`t unchecked appear on desktop box).
7. You got Windows XP paint and Windows 98 Paint (Don`t know why they included both of them, because they pretty much the same.)
8. Remember old times... :D

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