Sunday 14 April 2013

Illegal alcohol. What do you think?

  Probably all of us have been drank or at least, had some alcohol during our life. So recently I been thinking a lot and I thought to share it with you so you can tell me what do you think.

  How many accidents happens because of alcohol also it weakens your body and its more likely for you to catch some serious disease and if would make it illegal it would save so many lives and also would increase many peoples life spawn.

  I think people should vote for that somehow to make alcohol illegal, I know many people would find some points from where they could get it, but anyway it I think at least 70% of us would stop or decrease drinking a lot.I know its easy to make alcohol at home - but anyway.

  This should also been done to cigarettes, I`m not a crackhead, stoner or whatever, but actually I don`t get why marijuana (weed) is illegal it causes less diseases than fags.

  Or at least they could increase really really increase price of alcohol that would make people to buy it only on special occasions like weddings or something, its nothing bad about few glasses of champagne on weddings day, but you know, nothing is good when its too much of it.
*I`m drinking and smoking person. 

So please tell me your thoughts, what do you think about that?

*to comment - go under this post and select anonymous if you don`t have google account if you have one select it and type the comment. :)

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