Monday 22 April 2013

How shops are fooling us? Part I

  So, hello everybody. Today I`m going to show you a one way how supermarkets makes us to buy their product.
 Have you ever noticed that supermarkets always have 2 types of same product: cheap and cheaper.
For example lets take these 2 photos to compare:
On the right hand side we have baked beans in tomato sauce and in the left hand side we also have baked beans in tomato sauce and they both by TESCO, the image on the left has more fancy graphics on it so it is a bit more expensive than one on the right.
Whats the point of making them, in case we know that they don`t differ much? Ha, here is the thing I want to tell you about, so lets use this really good image to make it clearer. Coke by Sainsburys and normal coke:

So imagine this situation if you in a hurry shopping and you are just grabbing products without reading anything. In this particular image both products look really similar so its a good example of what I`m trying to say -  both uses same colours and both uses similar design for example cola/coke is written in vertical position and for example where its says Classic it has that similar font that is used for CocaCola originally, so  if you probably will notice it when you about to pay for the product, but if you in a hurry, you wont run to the other shop end to change the product, especially if other people are waiting in the line, so conclusion is that sometimes you buy their product without even knowing :-D.
So that was the first part of how shops are fooling us... To be continued...

P.S. I don`t usually ask that, but please spread the word about this blog, to your mates who are interested in all kind of similar things like this and if you liked this post please, comment and keep reading my blog. Thank you :P

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