Friday 12 April 2013

Alternatives to Microsoft Office

Hello, so I have found a really good alternative to Microsoft Office its called Kingsoft Office is a really relative copy of Microsoft products and also is obviously free.

Press to download: KINGSOFT

Just to compare, screenshot of Microsoft Office Word vs. Kingsoft Writer

They does not look similar now, but if you compare older Microsoft Word version with this it would look almost identically. (Sorry could not find any older version screenshots)
*On the Kingsoft writer in the upper left corner I have marked in red - Tab system, that have really surprised me, because if you need to open loads of documents at the same time - its neater than in MCW and also quicker to find the right document between your opened ones, because you can at least partly see the name of it, if its not really much of them you can fully see it, so thats what I really liked.
**I have accidentally marked red the upper right corner, I meant only to hide the text, sorry about that red colour. :)

-Yes, you can insert word art in KW.
-Yes, you can draw tables in KW as in MCW.
-Yes, KW does have chart system as well as MCW.
-Yes, you can enable rulers in KW.
-Yes, you can draw shapes in KW as in MCW.
-Yes, you can format page, shapes and text in KW as same as in MCW.
-And, yes KW is 100% free while MCW costs pretty expensive, cheapest I found on its 2010 Microsoft Office Home and Student 1 install for only (being sarcastic) 80 quids. 

-There has to be disadvantages of Kingsoft Office.
-The only ones I could found is that it does not includes some programs such as Microsoft access or outlook, but they are rarely usable for ordinary user such as me, actually I have never used them, as far as I know access is some database program or whatever which, simple people like us mostly does not need and there is loads of alternatives for outlook as well so it does not dissapoints me, because KW its free, so. :)
*And no I`m not getting paid for advertising this software, I just want to share it with you, because I think microsoft is scamming money with Office, they haven`t changed anything really, except the GUI during these years and they are milking(*** I just wrote) you that amount of money, this is ridiculous. 

So I have done a little list for you to know what is what (but I don`t think anyone would use that, because icons are really really similar and you can guess what is what even by the name, but anyway...)

Microsoft Word = Kingsoft Writer
Microsoft PowerPoint = Kingsoft Presentations
Microsoft Excel = Kingsoft Spreadsheets

Other alternatives (google their names):
Google Docs
Zoho Docs
Libre office

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