Wednesday 3 July 2013

Jailbreaking iOS 6.13/6.14 on Iphone 4s or 5?

If you are looking how to get jailbreak for iphone 4s or 5 on 6.13 or 6.14 iOS, you can stop looking - it is impossible at the time, unless you are a hacker that can find an exploit itself, but then you wouldnt read this would you? Everything you find on the web that says that they`ll do it for money or something - bullshit. Believe me I searched the web for long hours and found - nothing, some people says that hackers have already found the exploit, but they are keeping it for iOS 7 so, thats what you gotta do - wait for iOS 7. :(

iOS 7

Have you already seen iOS 7?
What do you think about it?
At first I thought WTF?! it looks like an android... Steve Jobs died - Apple got fucked.
But I watched presentational videos of it and honestly I started to like it - more and more. It just looked better and after I started comparing it to the old iOS design, the old one looked old and booring.
So what do you think about it? Please tell in the comments.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Turn your TV into SMART TV for £50

Hello, so some of you may heard of this little thing some of you may not, but still, it is a little thingy that pretty much looks like USB flash drive. It is cheap device, that can turn your simple TV into Smart TV, also because it is android, the OS may be familiar for you, if you have any android device, OK its enough talking.

So how it works? It is actually called a mini pc and you plug it into your TV by USB or HDMI (depending by model of your mini pc) and thats it! Now you can surf the net, watch the youtube, use skype, and others apps, it is like smart tv just better. :)

You can get them on ebay, amazon and other online shops, just type in android mini pc.

Check youtube to see how it works. :)

Monday 22 April 2013

How shops are fooling us? Part I

  So, hello everybody. Today I`m going to show you a one way how supermarkets makes us to buy their product.
 Have you ever noticed that supermarkets always have 2 types of same product: cheap and cheaper.
For example lets take these 2 photos to compare:
On the right hand side we have baked beans in tomato sauce and in the left hand side we also have baked beans in tomato sauce and they both by TESCO, the image on the left has more fancy graphics on it so it is a bit more expensive than one on the right.
Whats the point of making them, in case we know that they don`t differ much? Ha, here is the thing I want to tell you about, so lets use this really good image to make it clearer. Coke by Sainsburys and normal coke:

So imagine this situation if you in a hurry shopping and you are just grabbing products without reading anything. In this particular image both products look really similar so its a good example of what I`m trying to say -  both uses same colours and both uses similar design for example cola/coke is written in vertical position and for example where its says Classic it has that similar font that is used for CocaCola originally, so  if you probably will notice it when you about to pay for the product, but if you in a hurry, you wont run to the other shop end to change the product, especially if other people are waiting in the line, so conclusion is that sometimes you buy their product without even knowing :-D.
So that was the first part of how shops are fooling us... To be continued...

P.S. I don`t usually ask that, but please spread the word about this blog, to your mates who are interested in all kind of similar things like this and if you liked this post please, comment and keep reading my blog. Thank you :P

Elephant painting an elephant?

Hi everyone, look what I found on the internet, I know its like at least 5 years old and maybe most of you have already seen it, but I didn`t.

So check this amazing video of an elephant painting if you haven`t seen it already:

Tuesday 16 April 2013

How to program a keyless entry remote for Mazda Rx8 ?

Hello everyone, again... So today we going to learn how to program Mazda Rx8 Remote to work.

Step-by-step instructions:
1. Get in to your car`s driver seat and make sure all doors (also hood and trunk) are fully closed and your key is out of the ignition.
2. Open driver side door and using manual door lock (the little click inside the door) just lock it 3 times (Leave the door open).
3. Insert key to the ignition.
4. Turn the key to ON position and then return to OFF. Do this 2 more times (so its 3 times per all) quickly.
5. Close and open drivers door 3 times and after that leave the door open.
6. The car should lock and unlock automatically.
7. Press any button on the remote twice and car should again lock and unlock automatically.
8. If you have more remotes, repeat step 7 (Max. 3 remotes).
9. Remove the key from ignition - door should again lock and unlock few times rapidly.
10. You done, test your remote :)

*I had a problem on my Mazda Rx-8 2004, so everyone told me that there may be only 2 problems:
1. Battery is empty.
2. The remote does not fits your car (they may look exactly the same, but the number on the back is different).

So if you had your remote working before:
Step 1: Change your battery.
Step 2: (If it does not works anyway): Reprogram.
Step 3: (If it does not work even after that). Get it to Garage to fix it, because you can`t find anything on the internet if it still does not work.
Step 4: You can still try to buy a new remote, your old one maybe jammed or whatever.

And if you had not your remote working before:
Step 1: Change your battery.
Step 2: (If it does not work anyway): Reprogram.
Step 3: Buy a new remote and program it.

If you need to buy a new remote get this one, because:
- It is universal, at least I think so, because I found that it helped for most people on forums who have brought a lot of different remotes and they didnt worked, also it helped for me.
- Cheaper than other ones.
- You also get a new key.
- You can be sure that it does work and you don`t need to call your dealer to get the number that fits your car.

Here`s it is: (press on the image to open the ebay)
Step 1. Get it to some key master with your original key to get it cut to the right shape.
Step 2. Program it.

Good luck :)

Sunday 14 April 2013

Illegal alcohol. What do you think?

  Probably all of us have been drank or at least, had some alcohol during our life. So recently I been thinking a lot and I thought to share it with you so you can tell me what do you think.

  How many accidents happens because of alcohol also it weakens your body and its more likely for you to catch some serious disease and if would make it illegal it would save so many lives and also would increase many peoples life spawn.

  I think people should vote for that somehow to make alcohol illegal, I know many people would find some points from where they could get it, but anyway it I think at least 70% of us would stop or decrease drinking a lot.I know its easy to make alcohol at home - but anyway.

  This should also been done to cigarettes, I`m not a crackhead, stoner or whatever, but actually I don`t get why marijuana (weed) is illegal it causes less diseases than fags.

  Or at least they could increase really really increase price of alcohol that would make people to buy it only on special occasions like weddings or something, its nothing bad about few glasses of champagne on weddings day, but you know, nothing is good when its too much of it.
*I`m drinking and smoking person. 

So please tell me your thoughts, what do you think about that?

*to comment - go under this post and select anonymous if you don`t have google account if you have one select it and type the comment. :)